Spongedrop - App Design

APP DESIGN CONCEPT. Mobile app design for Spongedrop Cakery at Mount Maunganui, New Zealand. The business has a homepage for orders, and this app design concept has been developed to help users order with ease without the need of visiting the website. I have applied the current design system used on the website (colour scheme, iconography and typography) to the app.

The app features all the main areas of the website (all categories for ordering, account settings and speciality orders etc). The new addition added to the app is a delivery service. Whilst Spongedrop does not currently offer a delivery service, this could be an additional aspect added on later or could be used to notify customers once their order is ready at the store for collection. This would also have a live update feature so users can track their order to check its status.

Users can also create a profile for a login. This will keep the user logged in to the app without having to re-enter their email and password every time. Users can customise their profile picture accordingly. The overall design is to streamline how customers can order from Spongedrop without having to use a desktop computer.

Spongedrop - App Mockup #1
Spongedrop - App Pages View #1
Spongedrop - App Pages View #2
Spongedrop - App Mockup #2